Valerie celebrating Memorial Day with veterans
“As a CPA, I am trained to look for the most efficient methods of operation, saving your tax dollars and maintaining a balanced county budget.”
— Valerie Covey, CPA

Valerie at the Georgetown Christmas Stroll
About Commissioner Valerie Covey
First elected in November 2006, Valerie Covey represents Precinct Three on the Williamson County Commissioner´s Court. Commissioner Covey has established herself as a leader in the county who has the courage to stand up for her conservative beliefs and family values.
Commissioner Covey serves the county by participating in various boards and committees, including: the Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter Board, as president, the Williamson County Mental Health Task Force, the Williamson County Conservation Foundation – serving as President, the Williamson County Audit Committee, and the Williamson County Investment Committee. She was recently re-appointed by Governor Greg Abbott to the Texas Indigent Defense Commission.
Commissioner Covey has taken a keen interest in mental health issues throughout the county and the state. She has worked alongside the County’s mental health professionals, law enforcement, judicial branch of the county and our local mental health authority to garner state recognition for Williamson County´s jail diversion programs. These programs include funding the San Gabriel Crisis Respite Center, 23-hour law enforcement diversion center, Pretrial Services, Youth Mental Health Respite, dedicated youth mental health hospital wing, drug and alcohol docket, and veterans´ docket. Each program aims to keep non-violent offenders out of the county jail providing more appropriate care and saving countless taxpayer dollars.
For Commissioner Covey, integrity and conservative values goes far beyond the Commissioner´s Courtroom; it extends into every facet of her life. Since 2011, Commissioner Covey led the charge to reduce voter approved debt ahead of schedule saving taxpayers approximately $92 million in interest. She has also championed budget policies that maintain the County’s AAA bond rating which lowers the cost of borrowing giving the county a competitive advantage to access credit to keep with the demand of growth.
Under Commissioner Covey’s leadership, residents have seen the openings of the SW Bypass, Ronald Reagan Improvements at Sun City Blvd and Silver Spur, Westinghouse Road expansion, CR 176/Parkside Pkwy, Great Oaks Bridge, and Smeyers Ln at Wyoming Springs. She is currently ushing through the improvements at Ronald Reagan Blvd and SH 195, expansion of Ronald Reagan Blvd, Sam Bass Road, CR 245, CR 255, CR 314, Toro Grande Blvd, New Hope extension, Wyoming Springs extension as well as the connection of the Brushy Creek Regional Trail to the SW Regional Park. Commissioner Covey understands that growth is inevitable, and that responsible growth and planning is invaluable.
Commissioner Covey is an active member of the Williamson County, Republican Party, Georgetown Area Republican Women, the Republican Club of Sun City, and received the endorsement of the Williamson County Republican Leaders. She is a member of the Georgetown, Jarrell, and Round Rock Chambers of Commerce and First Baptist Church Georgetown.
She attended the University of Texas at Austin, where she earned a degree in accounting and for the past 38 years has been licensed as a Certified Public Accountant. Valerie and her husband of 38 years, Mark Covey, have lived in Georgetown since 1994, and are blessed with three sons, two daughters-in-law and two grandchildren.
Working for You
- Since 2011 has led the charge to pay voter approved debt early, saving taxpayers over $92 million in interest
- Fiscally conservative using CPA skills to keep spending under control
- AAA bond rating maintained saving your tax dollars
- Reappointed by Governor Greg Abbott to the Texas Indigent Defense Commission
- President of the Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter
- Member of both the Williamson County Investment and Audit Committees
- Leadership role in ensuring continued operations during COVID
- President of the Williamson County Conservation Foundation
- Elected president of the National Habitat Conservation Plan Coalition fighting for local control and solutions
- Successful in working with congressional representatives to address endangered species issues
- Leadership role in developing Wilco's Long Range Strategic Plan
- Serves on the county's Behavioral Health Task Force
- Spearheaded the 23-hour hold diversion center, the youth respite center, and the jail-based competency restoration program
- Continues to collaborate with state and local entities to address behavioral health concerns
Valerie and youth teams cut the ribbon on field improvements at the SW Regional Park

Valerie cuts the ribbon at the dedicated adolescent wing at Rock Springs.